Today was such a fun day. Jackson had a fairy tale ball today at school for pre-k. Such a cute and fun idea. The kids loved it. Jackson has been waiting all week for today. We even went and bought him a he was handsome. He was all decked out.....tie....pocket dress dress socks....his perk prom as mrs walker called it. They decorated the lunchroom with fairy tale theme. They had a red carpet for them to walk in on and then they walked through an arch. When Mrs. Walker said "Prince Jackson"...there he went down the red carpet. He was so stinking cute. I do have to say we have a dancer on our hands. While we were standing in line they had the music playing. The other prek teacher was out dancing with a little girl and next thing you know...there is Jackson getting down by himself. He didn't care. He was going to town. It was the funniest thing. He had the attention of the people around him....we tried to get him to go back again but he wouldn't since no one else was out there...guess he realized everyone was watching him. Both classes later did the cha cha slide......he had been waiting on that dance. I am so glad that I was feeling good today to be able to enjoy this fun. I even wore my wig today....I was a little uncomfortable in it...but I did get a lot of compliments. I even got to visit my kids was so good to see them and to be down there at my room. Didn't stay long with them....who knows what germs they have...hahahah.....they were funny asking me their names like I would have forgotten them...I won't ever forget them :)
I will try to post ball pictures...oh yeah....we have to work with Jackson because he had two girls ask him to dance and he wouldn't.....what was he thinking...hahhaah...guess trying to play hard to get
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