Well I am bad at blogging. I haven't written anything since last Tuesday. I even forgot to do Wordless Wednesday....so I will have to post a picture today anyway. This week was a good week. I actually started feeling pretty normal.....it helps to have a week that I feel good since it seems the weeks of chemo are kind of rough. This fourth treatments wasn't bad...I was glad it wasn't like the third treatment. I am assuming the meds they gave me to take that week actually worked. Tomorrow I have my fifth treatment and the chemo meds change tomorrow. I will be starting my first round of taxal. I am a little worried because it is new and I don't know how my body with react. The doctor said that usually it gives people aching bones. I can handle that hopefully since I have already experienced that somewhat with my arthritis....I am sure it will be different. I am up for the challenge though. I only have four more treatments and this madness will be over (at least with the chemo).....
I am still continuing with my physical therapy. I have been amazed at how much it has helped with my right arm. I went in there without being out to straighten my arm and now I can straighten and lift my arm up to my ear (slowly).....They are still working on the cord in my arm that is tight....I get some massage therapy when I go to help loosen that cord....don't be jealous..it is not a fun massage....it is uncomfortable but if it works hey....bring it on.
Busy week this week: Treatment, Plastic Surgeon, 2 days of physical therapy, Possible White blood count shot, Jackson's prek cookout, Morgan County Relay for Life, Baby Miller's Christining and first birthday.....whew...I am tired just typing it all
Please say a prayer that this new medicine causes minimal side effects (hopefully it will be better than other chemo) and that I don't have to take that white blood count shot (which I feel makes me feel worse).
Oh yeah....can't remember if I posted this last time or not....I am now getting to sport a glove and sleeve to help bring down swelling in my right hand.....so when you see me you can give a little chuckle...but I know what you are thinking....."why is she honoring Micheal Jackson"....hahahah
honey I admire you so much. You are as brave as any soldier going daily into battle with the enemy. Your faith and your optimism will help in healing as well as our Heavenly Father.